Workers' Compensation Appeals Tribunal

Contact Information

General Manager
Workers’ Compensation Appeals Tribunal

  • Suite 1002 - 10th Floor Precambrian Building, Box 20, 4920 52 Street Yellowknife NT X1A 3T1
  • Telephone (867) 669-4420

  • Fax (867) 766-4426


The Appeals Tribunal is the final level of the appeal process and hears appeals regarding decisions from the Workers' Safety and Compensation Commission Review Committee.


Government of the Northwest Territories


Workers' Compensation Act (NWT)

Board Composition

The Workers' Compensation Appeals Tribunal is composed of at least four members.

Alternate Members

There are no alternate members.

The legislation does not provide for the appointment of alternates on the Appeals Tribunal.


The Chairperson is designated by the Minister from amongst the Board members.


The Vice-Chairperson is designated by the Minister from amongst the Board members.


The Act is silent on quorum.

Appointment Instrument

Members are appointed by the Minister Responsible for the Workers’ Safety and Compensation Commission under section 118.(1) of the Workers' Compensation Act.

Term Duration

A member holds office for a term not exceeding three years, as specified in the appointment. A member may be eligible for reappointment.

Time and Travel Requirements

The Appeals Tribunal shall sit at the times it considers necessary to perform its duties, and shall conduct its proceedings in a manner it considers appropriate.


An honorarium is paid to members for attending hearings, meetings or conducting approved business, at a rate of $133.33 per hour to a maximum of 7.5 hours. However, the maximum daily rate permitted for a 7.5 hour day is $850.

The Chairperson receives remuneration according to a contract for service, which does not exceed $140,000 each year.

Other Considerations

When selecting persons for appointment to the Appeals Tribunal, the Minister shall ensure that:

(a) each member of the Appeals Tribunal has experience and an interest in workers’ compensation issues, and

  1. has been a member, of at least five years good standing, of a law society of a territory or province;
  2. has at least five years experience as a member of an administrative tribunal or a court; or
  3. has other qualifications that can reasonably be considered to be equivalent, and

(b) sufficient number of members are appointed to effectively perform its functions.


The following persons are not eligible to be members of the Appeals Tribunal:

(a) directors of the Governance Council and staff of the Commission;

(b) the Workers’ Advisor, a Deputy Workers’ Advisor and staff of the Office of the Workers’ Advisor.

Current Membership

1. Chair Colin Baile 2023-04-01 2026-03-31 6th term
2. Vice-Chair
Michael Chandler 2023-03-01 2026-02-28 5th term
3. Member Cayley Thomas 2023-04-01 2026-03-31 6th term
4. Member Cynthia Levy 2024-04-01 2027-03-31 3rd term

(Board details as of Aug 08, 2024)