Existing Agreements
The Government of Canada began negotiating Aboriginal rights agreements in the NWT in 1975. Since that time, the GNWT has become a full party to negotiations, and comprehensive land claim agreements have been reached with the Inuvialuit, and with the Tłîchô, Gwich’in and Sahtu Dene and Métis to settle outstanding obligations under Treaties 8 and 11.
All agreements signed after The Comprehensive Land Claims Policy in 1986, include implementation plans to guide the parties in fulfilling their obligations under the agreements. Aboriginal rights agreements may address only land and resources (these are typically referred to as land claim agreements) or they may include self-government provisions. Where land and resources agreements have already been settled, Aboriginal groups may negotiate separate self-government agreements. One specific claim has been settled in the NWT, resulting in a treaty settlement agreement and the establishment of the Salt River First Nation reserve.
Land, Resources and Self-government Agreements
Tłįchǫ Land Claims and Self-government Agreement
Tłįchǫ Implementation Plan
Land and Resources (Land Claim) Agreements
Gwich'in Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement
Gwich'in Implementation Plan
Inuvialuit Final Agreement
Sahtu Dene and Métis Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement
Sahtu Implementation Plan
Treaty Settlement Agreements
Salt River First Nation
- Salt River First Nation Treaty Settlement Agreement
Self-Government Agreements
- Délįnę Self-Government Agreement