Concluding and Implementing Land and Resources and Self-Government Agreements


The implementation of Aboriginal rights agreements is an ongoing process that demonstrates GNWT's investment and commitment to the settlement of Aboriginal rights and title, and the sustainability and success of Aboriginal Governments in the Northwest Territories. 

The Implementation Division of Aboriginal Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations works with its Aboriginal and federal treaty partners to develop implementation plans that accompany land, resources and self-government agreements. This is a collaborative process undertaken by the Aboriginal Government, the Government of Canada and the GNWT, to determine the activities to be undertaken to successfully fulfill the obligations of the parties as set out in the agreement. After an agreement is signed and comes into effect, the Implementation division monitors and facilitates ongoing GNWT obligations and activities and represents the GNWT on implementation committees tasked with monitoring and coordinating the overall implementation of the agreements.

As the negotiation of land, resources and self-government agreements progress to an advanced stage, the Implementation division’s participation in the negotiation process increases accordingly as working groups are formed and ancillary agreements that accompany the Aboriginal rights agreement are developed. Effectively implementing land, resources and self-government agreements requires the ongoing commitment of all of the parties to an agreement. To ensure that the obligations and objectives set out in agreements are realized, the Implementation Division monitors the ongoing activities of GNWT Departments required to fulfill territorial obligations, and participates in implementation committees to discuss and resolve ongoing challenges and barriers to the effective implementation of agreements. In fulfilling this role, the division provides support, information and guidance to Departments on matters related to treaty implementation, and relays successes and challenges encountered by the GNWT in fulfilling its obligations to its treaty partners. This two pronged approach to implementation has helped to ensure that the GNWT’s one-time and time-specific obligations are completed and that ongoing obligations continue to be respected.