Settle and implement treaty, land, resources, and self-government agreements

Concluding agreements with our Indigenous government partners will advance reconciliation, recognize and affirm Aboriginal and treaty rights, support program and service delivery by Indigenous governments, and set the stage for further economic development in the NWT.

This work will be led by the Department of Executive and Indigenous Affairs.

What we will do:

1. Focus on resolving outstanding issues with the use of expert facilitators and direct engagement among elected leaders. 

2. Review, update and publish territorial principles and interests to reflect the GNWT’s new priorities and mandate.

3. Improve Accountability and Oversight for Indigenous Reconciliation.

How we will do it:

1.a. Work with Indigenous governments to identify and resolve outstanding negotiating issues with the assistance of an independent facilitator.

1.b. Build stronger more collaborative relationships with Indigenous governments through engagement and relationship building.

2.a. Establish internal working group to review principles and interests.

3.a. Establish a Special Joint Committee on Indigenous Reconciliation between Cabinet members and Regular Members of the Legislative Assembly.

How we will demonstrate progress:

1.a. Quarterly reports provided to advisory committee (ongoing)

1.b. Two agreements concluded (ongoing)

1.c. Increase in meetings and more collaboration expressed in reporting  (ongoing)

2.a. Internal Working group established and Terms of Reference developed (Summer 2020); Principals and interests updated and published (Spring 2021); and Reporting on implementation of recommendations (Summer 2021)

3.a. Special committee formed and Terms of reference developed (Summer 2020); and Reporting on implementation of recommendations (Winter 2020)