United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP)

Implementing the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) within the constitutional framework of Canada will advance reconciliation.

This work will be led by the Department of Executive and Indigenous Affairs with the support of all GNWT departments and agencies.

What we will do:

1. Identify, prioritize and strengthen key actions to further implement UNDRIP

How we will do it:

1.a. Work with Indigenous governments to create and implement an action plan that identifies changes required in GNWT legislation and policies to best reflect the principles set out in UNDRIP.

1.b. Collaborate with the federal government and Indigenous governments to support Canada’s efforts to implement UNDRIP.

How we will demonstrate progress:

1.a. Terms of Reference developed (Summer 2020); Working group with Indigenous governments established (Summer 2020); Implementation plan completed (Summer 2022); and Reporting on program changes provided (Ongoing)

1.b. Federal process informs NWT action plan and implementation, including program changes.